链节 Chain Link
开瓶器 Corkscrew
双通心粉 Double Macaroni
双果冻豆 Dual Jelly Bean
双蒸汽形状 Dual Steam shape
象鼻 Elephant trunk
风扇形状 Fan Shape
几何曲线 Geometric Curve
向内螺旋 Inward Spiral
通心粉球 Macaroni Sphere
颈枕形状 neck pillow shape
鼻子曲线 Nose Curve
卷 Roll
旋转s rotated s
S管道形状 S pipe shape
单次旋转 Single twirl
带光环的球体 Sphere with halo
堆叠甜甜圈 stacked donuts
三环 Tri Rings
三旋转和圆柱 tri twirl and cylinder
三重通心粉 Triple Macaroni
双线 Twin Squiggly Lines
宽弯曲曲线 Wide Squiggly Curve
Twisted Shape