注意手势 attention hand gesture

叫我手势 call me hand gesture

拍手手势 clapping hand gesture

交叉手指手势 crossed finger hand gesture

拳头手势 fist hand gesture

握手 handshake

hifi hifi

携手合作 join hand

中指手势 middle finger gesture

肌肉手势 muscular hand gesture

OK手势 OK hand gesture

打开手势2 open hand gesture 2

张开手势 open hand gesture

张开的手准备与朋友鼓掌 open hand ready to clapping with friend

指向手势 point up gesture

祈祷手势 pray hand gesture

打孔手势 punch hand gesture

摇滚手势 rock hand gesture

竖起大拇指手势 thumbs up hand gesture

双手张开手势 two open hands gesture

不同于或拇指向下手势 unlike or thumb down hand gesture

胜利手势 victory hand gesture

波浪手势 wave hand gesture

奇怪的手势 weird hand gesture

书写手势 write hand gesture
Hand Gesture
