清理灰尘的男孩 Boy cleaning the dust
男孩修灯 Boy fixing the lamp
男孩拖地 Boy mopping the floor
男孩给植物浇水 Boy watering the plant
铲斗和清洁设备 Buckets and cleaning equipment
清洁布 Cleaning cloth
清洁手套 Cleaning gloves
清洁工人 Cleaning workers
紧急折叠楼梯 Emergency folding stairs
女性清洁剂 Female Cleaner
女孩在厨房打扫卫生 Girl cleaning in the kitchen
女孩清洁玻璃窗 Girl cleaning the glass window
女孩打扫房子 Girl cleaning the house
清洁镜子的女孩 Girl cleaning the mirror
清洁架子的女孩 Girl cleaning the rack
女孩拖地 Girl mopping the floor
男女清洁工人 Male and female cleaning workers
男性清洁工 Male Cleaner
植物盆栽 Plant pot
真空吸尘器 Vacuum cleaner
警示板 Warning Board
喷壶 Watering can
白色鞋子 White shoes
Cleaning Service